Ada perubahan waktu untuk Technical Meeting, adventurers!
SENIN, 7 NOVEMBER 2011 Technical Meeting khusus untuk Basket&Futsal jam 13.00 (setelah shalat zhuhur). Lokasi di SMPI Al-Azhar 2 Pejaten.
CONTACT PERSON FUTSAL: Telf/sms @najmimr (Najmi) 08567244233
CONTACT PERSON BASKET: Telf/sms @basithhhhhh (Basith) 0877759110093
C'mon adventurers, you CAN'T miss this! This also your last chance to register for FUTSAL&BASKET competition. When I say you'll be there, be there!
SELASA, 8 NOVEMBER 2011 Technical Meeting khusus Tari Saman, jam 13.00 (setelah shalat zhuhur). Lokasi di SMPI Al-Azhar 2 Pejaten.
CONTACT PERSON TARI SAMAN: Telf/sms @titatitut (Tita) 08158033777
Technical Meeting khusus Band, Lukis, Marawis, Pildacil & Olimpiade MIPA, untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi nomor:
Bu Yenny (Pembina OSIS): 081316404150
OLIMPIADE MIPA @ulfianidian (Ulfi):081381745554
LUKIS @nancydalla (Dalla): 08179986446
MARAWIS @fayfoffi (Fay):085695581997
PILDACIL @vangivinanda (Vangi):087882437121
BAND @Whi_Ji (Widhi): 081399319543
'spirit across the globe'